Thursday, 19 April 2012

Android x86 and External Monitor (VGA)

Again, another issue I faced when getting setup with Android x86 in my car is that my VGA screen would not display Android.

A very simple fix, when you know what you have to do and where to go.

Basically you have to turn off the Internal Laptop display, which will force Android to be shown on the external VGA. You will notice, that the Terminal screen will appear on both screens, but only the GUI will appear on the laptop screen.

To fix this you need to edit you Grub Menu to tell it when booting Android, to turn off the Laptop screen.

  1. First of all, reboot your machine and select to boot Android in Debug.
  2. Let Android start to boot up and you will be given a Terminal entry screen like you have seen before.
  3. Now you need to edit your Grub menu.lst file.
    • For me, this could be because I installed Android on my Windows Partition, this is located in /mnt/grub/menu.lst
    • If you installed Android cleanly, then I think it is located in /boot/grub/menu.lst
    1. Either way, Change Directory to the relevant directory  (Without the quotes) "cd /mnt/grub" (For me)
    2. Then type "vi menu.lst"
    3. This will open the file to edit in the vim text editor.
    4. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the first line of the first boot record, it will probably extend off the screen.
    5. Go all the way to the end of the line and press the  (Without the quotes) "i" key. This will allow you to insert.
    6. Modify the end of the entry to add (Without the quotes) video=LVDS-1:d
    7. Press escape to quit out of insert mode
    8. Type (Without the quotes) ":w!" (Which will write the changes)
    9. Type (Without the quotes) ":q!" (Which will quite the vim editor)
  • Now if you restart the computer, you should see that when it next boots up, Android will appear on your external monitor and not on the Laptop Screen.
  • It maybe worth, making a copy of the First Boot Entry below it before making the change above, and renaming it to Android (VGA), so that it will load by default the VGA setting. But you can override to select the original one and display on the Laptop Screen?

I hope this helps! :)


  1. hi, i try this but have not signal on the vga output on my notebook... can you helpme?


    1. Hi,

      Have you tried all the instructions above? This is exactly what I had to do to get mine to display out to my VGA.

      What is actually happening, as I understand, is that by default, android will boot up with the laptop screen (known as LVDS) enabled. Therefore this is what will be used by default on Android when it boots up.

      Therefore you need to change the boot settings to boot with the LVDS disabled by adding video=LVDS-1:d to the boot command of the correct android boot image in Grub, which basically means disable the laptop screen.

      If you did all the above and it still doesn't work, can you give me any further information to try and help you?

    2. Can you do this on smart tv by HDMI connection?

  2. Hi, thanks for your answer. Finally i can make it works, just like you said.

    Now i have android x86 on my LCD!!!!

    PS: im cart00nero =D

    1. I'm glad I was of help! :) Enjoy :)

  3. I'm Spanish and I not understand , please , you can explain me in Spanish? Or a video tutorial , because Google Translate is very bad.

    1. Hola hermano, talvez aun te es util aunque ya sea 7 años tarde, investigue esto porque tengo una netbook y una viega tv LCD con VGA yt queria aprovechar el potencial de ambas

      Esto es una traduccion de lo que esta arriba

      1. Debes reiniciar tu equipo y escoger Android debug mode
      2. Esto iniciara android pero solamente ejecutandose el niea de comandos. Debes esperar a que no muestre mas comandos ejecutandose.
      3.Debes editar el archivo menu.lst de la carpeta grub
      -Ejecuta (sin comillas) "cd /mnt/grub"
      -Luego ejecuta "vi menu.lst"
      -Esto abrira un editor de texto en la consola
      -Usa las flechas para desplazarte a la primera linea de la primera entrada de registro
      -Presiona la tecla "i", esto te permitira insertar/editar las linea de comando
      -Escribe "video=LVDS-1:d"
      -Presiona scape para salir del modo de edicion
      -Escribe ":w!" para guardar
      Escribe ":q!" para salir del editor

      Luego debes reiniciar tu equipo

      Es de mencionar que cuando inicies en ese modo solo se desplegara en el monitor secundario, no en la pantalla principal de tu equipo

      Se sugiere que reescribas las lineas de comando originales para crear una especie de backup y asi puedas crear 2 opciones de booteo

    2. hola yo tengo una lapto acer aspire 5720 pero tiene la pantalla dañada, yo tengo phoenix os-roc como hago para que se en refleje en
      un monitor
      pd yo instale el phoenix con windors exe gracias

  4. Note: You can edit the menu.lst with Windows Notepad++, easy way if you have a Win partition. ;)

  5. hi im daniel from mexico and i dont understand where put the video=LVDS-1:d can you take a picture where that i have to put it or make a video tutorial you know i dream with a smart tv and this will be the only way to have one ^1^ my email or

    1. Hello, I have the same problem ... I'm not sure where to put "video = LVDS-1:d" and I do not have accest to the screenshots. Could you send these screenshots to me at . Thank you

  6. Merci beaucoup, cela a parfaitement fonctionné pour moi.

  7. hi i can't put the = i have an eee pc 901 ¿how can i put it?

  8. hi I can't put the ":" symbol on my keyboard, when i am using de debug terminal. Help

  9. Please You are share menu.lst or menu label (isolinux.cfg )
    or menu code
    title Android x86 .....
    kerner or chainloader
    I don't have menu.lst . But I maker grubmenu .
    You know isolinux code share please order people

  10. Hello.
    My eeepc901 is running now x86 6.0 android. I tried your information, step by step and unfortunately didn't work.
    The laptop screen still works showing images.
    You can please help me?
    thank you

  11. Hi, i need to see my desk on my smart tv by HDMI connection, could do you this?

  12. I have "video = LVDS-1:d" in my "menu.lst" file but still it won't display in my external monitor. Please help!

    1. Try add your resolution in the end of the line. Ex. =1280x768 or -1280x768 or instead add =873.

  13. Спасибо . Сработало. Ещё бы знать как вывести изображение на обеих устройствах

  14. I had this problem with an hdmi monitor... and the "video=LVDS-1:d video=1280x786" added to the boot command straight from grub by hitting e on the first boot command then adding to the end of the first line... when done adding just hit enter then hit "b" to boot... to change it permanantly you need to edit your grub menu.lst...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. sorry bout the previous post... I couldnt write to file was read only. I realize i had autoinstalled so after reinstalling as read/write your post fixed my issue thank you so much.
