A very simple fix, when you know what you have to do and where to go.
Basically you have to turn off the Internal Laptop display, which will force Android to be shown on the external VGA. You will notice, that the Terminal screen will appear on both screens, but only the GUI will appear on the laptop screen.
To fix this you need to edit you Grub Menu to tell it when booting Android, to turn off the Laptop screen.
- First of all, reboot your machine and select to boot Android in Debug.
- Let Android start to boot up and you will be given a Terminal entry screen like you have seen before.
- Now you need to edit your Grub menu.lst file.
- For me, this could be because I installed Android on my Windows Partition, this is located in /mnt/grub/menu.lst
- If you installed Android cleanly, then I think it is located in /boot/grub/menu.lst
- Either way, Change Directory to the relevant directory (Without the quotes) "cd /mnt/grub" (For me)
- Then type "vi menu.lst"
- This will open the file to edit in the vim text editor.
- Use the arrow keys to navigate to the first line of the first boot record, it will probably extend off the screen.
- Go all the way to the end of the line and press the (Without the quotes) "i" key. This will allow you to insert.
- Modify the end of the entry to add (Without the quotes) video=LVDS-1:d
- Press escape to quit out of insert mode
- Type (Without the quotes) ":w!" (Which will write the changes)
- Type (Without the quotes) ":q!" (Which will quite the vim editor)
- Now if you restart the computer, you should see that when it next boots up, Android will appear on your external monitor and not on the Laptop Screen.
- It maybe worth, making a copy of the First Boot Entry below it before making the change above, and renaming it to Android (VGA), so that it will load by default the VGA setting. But you can override to select the original one and display on the Laptop Screen?
I hope this helps! :)