After a long time of searching I have managed to get my USB GPS to work with my setup.
I managed to get the GPS up and running successfully, quite easily, it seems, by downloading the 'PL2303GPS MocLocationProvider' from the Google Play Store.
You can find this app here...
This app contained the PL2303 driver that I needed to work with my USB GPS Device. Once I had this installed, I just had to make sure that I had Mock Locations turned on in Settings -> Developer Options and the application just found my GPS Device and it worked.
I have found that the application just loads straight up when Android first starts, so that it can connect to the GPS Device, and then it allows any navigation based application on Android to use your USB GPS.
I am having an issue at the moment, whereby if I start the computer with the GPS plugged in on boot, I lose the ability to use the touchscreen. But if I start the computer with the GPS unplugged, let Android Load then plug the GPS in, all works fine.
This could be because of the order I have my USB devices attached, I will have to try moving the Touchscreen to the first USB Port and GPS after. I will keep you posted!
Happy Droiding!